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A visit with my four legged friends.

Anglian Wolf Society: A visit by Raymond Redfeather, 9 May 2010
A visit by Raymond Redfeather Anglian Wolf Society:
On May 19'th, Raymond Redfeather called in to meet Peyto & Cheza. Raymond is a Native American of the Ojibwa ( pronounced "ojibway") tribe. A flute-maker and teacher by trade, he is something of an authority on native American culture and tradition. He featured at the Earthdance festival in Northampton where he gave demonstrations of Native music and Northern Plains Dance.
Raymond is one of those serene people that makes you feel good just to be around and his effect on the wolves was completely extraordinary. Both of them practically climbed out of the pen to greet him and Peyto (the shy one) took a special shine to him - Peyto doesn't usually do that kind of thing !
We don't normally allow visitors into the pens with the wolves but for special visitors, it can be arranged. I took Raymond in with the wolves individually and although he has no experience of interacting with wolves at all, both were just putty in his hands. I have never seen a clearer demonstration of the fact that some people have some kind of special bond or affinity with wolves. It was completely remarkable. After being in with Peyto for half an hour, Raymond went out to fetch a flute. The one he had with him was a "low D" - a bit larger than a clarinet. He sat outside the pen and started to play. It's a gorgeous, mellow, soft sound, centred about an octave below the normal western flute and the effect on Peyto was electrifying; he was totally fascinated and sat down by the wire to listen and concentrate. When Raymond finished, he walked up the path to put his
flute away and Peyto, inside the pen, followed him step for step. Cheza was equally happy to share his space with Raymond, but being a more laid back wolf, decided to give a one-wolf, formation sleeping display., 9 May 2010
A visit by Raymond Redfeather Anglian Wolf Society:
On May 19'th, Raymond Redfeather called in to meet Peyto & Cheza. Raymond is a Native American of the Ojibwa ( pronounced "ojibway") tribe. A flute-maker and teacher by trade, he is something of an authority on native American culture and tradition. He featured at the Earthdance festival in Northampton where he gave demonstrations of Native music and Northern Plains Dance.
Raymond is one of those serene people that makes you feel good just to be around and his effect on the wolves was completely extraordinary. Both of them practically climbed out of the pen to greet him and Peyto (the shy one) took a special shine to him - Peyto doesn't usually do that kind of thing !
We don't normally allow visitors into the pens with the wolves but for special visitors, it can be arranged. I took Raymond in with the wolves individually and although he has no experience of interacting with wolves at all, both were just putty in his hands. I have never seen a clearer demonstration of the fact that some people have some kind of special bond or affinity with wolves. It was completely remarkable. After being in with Peyto for half an hour, Raymond went out to fetch a flute. The one he had with him was a "low D" - a bit larger than a clarinet. He sat outside the pen and started to play. It's a gorgeous, mellow, soft sound, centred about an octave below the normal western flute and the effect on Peyto was electrifying; he was totally fascinated and sat down by the wire to listen and concentrate. When Raymond finished, he walked up the path to put his
flute away and Peyto, inside the pen, followed him step for step. Cheza was equally happy to share his space with Raymond, but being a more laid back wolf, decided to give a one-wolf, formation sleeping display.
Men's Northern Traditonal dancing
Bison Farm Pow-Wow/England
Native American Flute making-Workshops
Friends on the Road.